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The Fastest and Easiest Way to Solve the Mirror Cube 2x2

Mirror Cube Solver App Download: How to Solve the Mirror Cube with Your Phone

If you are looking for a fun and challenging puzzle to test your skills and patience, you might want to try the mirror cube. The mirror cube is a variation of the classic Rubik's cube, but with a twist. Instead of having different colors on each face, the mirror cube has different shapes and sizes of stickers that reflect light. This makes the puzzle more difficult to solve, as you have to rely on the shape and orientation of each piece rather than the color.

mirror cube solver app download

But don't worry, you don't have to solve the mirror cube on your own. There are many apps that can help you solve the mirror cube with your phone. These apps can scan your cube, generate a solution, and guide you through the steps. In this article, we will explain what a mirror cube is, how to solve it, what a mirror cube solver app is, how to use it, and where to download it.

What is a Mirror Cube?

The History and Features of the Mirror Cube

The mirror cube was invented in 2006 by Hidetoshi Takeji, who originally called it the "Bump Cube". He was inspired by the idea of creating a puzzle that could change its shape when scrambled. He used stickers of different sizes and shapes to create an illusion of bumps on the surface of the cube. He also used reflective stickers to give the puzzle a mirror-like appearance.

The mirror cube is also known as the "Shape Shifter", "Mirror Blocks", or "Mirror Magic". It has the same mechanism as a regular 3x3x3 Rubik's cube, but with different shapes of pieces. Each piece has three dimensions: height, width, and depth. The pieces can be distinguished by their size and shape, not by their color. The goal of the puzzle is to restore it to its original cubic shape, where each face has pieces of equal size.

The Benefits and Challenges of Solving the Mirror Cube

Solving the mirror cube is not only a fun and engaging activity, but also a great way to improve your cognitive skills, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving abilities. Solving the mirror cube can help you develop your spatial awareness, logical thinking, memory, concentration, and creativity. It can also boost your confidence and self-esteem as you overcome the challenge.

However, solving the mirror cube is not easy. It is harder than solving a regular Rubik's cube, as you have to pay more attention to the shape and orientation of each piece rather than the color. You also have to deal with shape-shifting, which makes the puzzle look more chaotic and confusing when scrambled. You have to use different algorithms and strategies to solve the mirror cube than those used for solving a regular Rubik's cube.

How to Solve the Mirror Cube?

The Basic Steps and Algorithms for Solving the Mirror Cube

The basic steps for solving the mirror cube are similar to those for solving a regular Rubik's cube. You have to solve one layer at a time, starting from the bottom layer and moving up to the top layer. You have to use some algorithms, which are sequences of moves that change the position or orientation of some pieces without affecting others.

Here are the basic steps and algorithms for solving the mirror cube:

Make a cross on the bottom layer. To do this,. find the largest piece on the bottom layer and match it with the center piece of the same size. Then, find the other three pieces that belong to the cross and place them next to the center piece. You may have to rotate the top layer or the middle layer to find and move the pieces. You can use this algorithm to swap two edge pieces on the top layer: R U R' U R U2 R' U.

  • Solve the corners of the bottom layer. To do this, find the corner pieces that belong to the bottom layer and move them to the top layer. Then, position them above the slot where they need to go and use this algorithm to insert them: R' D' R D. Repeat this for all four corners.

  • Solve the middle layer. To do this, find the edge pieces that belong to the middle layer and move them to the top layer. Then, position them above the slot where they need to go and use one of these algorithms to insert them: U R U' R' U' F' U F (for right slot) or U' L' U L U F U' F' (for left slot). Repeat this for all four edges.

  • Make a cross on the top layer. To do this, look at the shape of the pieces on the top layer and use one of these algorithms to make a cross: F R U R' U' F' (for dot shape) or F U R U' R' F' (for L shape). If you already have a cross, skip this step.

  • Orient the edges of the top layer. To do this, look at the orientation of the edge pieces on the top layer and use this algorithm to flip them: R U R' U R U2 R'. You may have to repeat this algorithm several times until all four edges are oriented correctly.

  • Permute the edges of the top layer. To do this, look at the position of the edge pieces on the top layer and use this algorithm to swap them: R U R' U R U2 R' U. You may have to repeat this algorithm several times until all four edges are in their correct place.

  • Orient the corners of the top layer. To do this, look at the orientation of the corner pieces on the top layer and use this algorithm to twist them: R' D' R D. You may have to repeat this algorithm several times until all four corners are oriented correctly.

  • Permute the corners of the top layer. To do this, look at the position of the corner pieces on the top layer and use this algorithm to swap them: U R U' L' U R' U' L. You may have to repeat this algorithm several times until all four corners are in their correct place.

Congratulations, you have solved the mirror cube!

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The Tips and Tricks for Solving the Mirror Cube Faster and Easier

If you want to solve the mirror cube faster and easier, here are some tips and tricks that you can follow:

  • Practice a lot. The more you practice, the more familiar you will become with the shape and orientation of each piece, and the faster you will be able to recognize and execute the algorithms.

  • Use finger tricks. Finger tricks are ways of performing moves with your fingers instead of your whole hand or wrist. They can help you save time and avoid unnecessary rotations.

  • Look ahead. Look ahead is a technique of planning your next moves while executing your current moves. It can help you reduce pauses and improve your flow.

  • Learn advanced methods. Advanced methods are ways of solving the mirror cube with fewer moves or algorithms. They can help you improve your efficiency and speed. Some examples of advanced methods are CFOP, Roux, ZZ, or Petrus.

What is a Mirror Cube Solver App?

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Mirror Cube Solver App

A mirror cube solver app is an app that can help you solve the mirror cube with your phone. It can scan your cube, generate a solution, and guide you through the steps. A mirror cube solver app can have many advantages and disadvantages, depending on how you use it. Some of the advantages of using a mirror cube solver app are: - It can help you solve the mirror cube quickly and easily, especially if you are a beginner or stuck on a certain step. - It can help you learn the algorithms and methods for solving the mirror cube, as you can follow the instructions and see the results. - It can help you check your progress and correct your mistakes, as you can compare your cube with the app's solution. - It can help you have fun and challenge yourself, as you can try different scrambles and see how fast you can solve them. Some of the disadvantages of using a mirror cube solver app are: - It can take away the satisfaction and achievement of solving the mirror cube by yourself, as you are relying on the app's solution rather than your own skills and logic. - It can make you dependent on the app and prevent you from improving your own abilities, as you are not practicing or memorizing the algorithms and methods for solving the mirror cube. - It can drain your battery and data, as you have to use your phone's camera and internet connection to scan and solve the cube. - It can be inaccurate or unreliable, as the app may not scan your cube correctly or generate a valid solution. The Best Mirror Cube Solver Apps Available for Download

If you want to use a mirror cube solver app, there are many options available for download on different platforms. Here are some of the best mirror cube solver apps that you can try:





Mirror Cube Solver


This app can scan your mirror cube using your phone's camera and generate a solution in 3D. You can also input your cube manually or use a random scramble. The app can guide you through the steps with animations and voice instructions. You can also adjust the speed and difficulty of the solution.


Mirror Cube 3x3 Solver


This app can scan your mirror cube using your phone's camera and generate a solution in 2D. You can also input your cube manually or use a random scramble. The app can guide you through the steps with animations and text instructions. You can also adjust the speed and difficulty of the solution.


Mirror Cube Solver Online


This app can solve your mirror cube online using your computer's webcam or keyboard. You can also input your cube manually or use a random scramble. The app can guide you through the steps with animations and text instructions. You can also adjust the speed and difficulty of the solution.


How to Use a Mirror Cube Solver App?

The Instructions and Features of a Mirror Cube Solver App

To use a mirror cube solver app, you need to follow these instructions:

  • Download and install the app on your device.

  • Launch the app and select the mode that you want to use: scan, manual, or random.

  • If you choose scan mode, hold your mirror cube in front of your device's camera and align it with the template on the screen. Make sure that the lighting is good and that all the stickers are visible. The app will scan your cube and display it on the screen.

  • If you choose manual mode, tap on each sticker on the screen and select its size from the menu. Repeat this for all six faces of the cube until it matches your real cube.

  • If you choose random mode, the app will generate a random scramble for your cube and display it on the screen.

  • Tap on the solve button and wait for the app to generate a solution for your cube.

  • Follow the steps shown on the screen to solve your cube. You can use the buttons to pause, resume, rewind, or fast-forward the solution. You can also tap on each step to see more details or explanations.

  • Celebrate when you have solved your mirror cube!

The Examples and Screenshots of a Mirror Cube Solver App in Action

To give you an idea of how a mirror cube solver app works, here are some examples and screenshots of a mirror cube solver app in action:


The mirror cube is a fascinating and challenging puzzle that can test your skills and patience. It is harder than a regular Rubik's cube, as you have to rely on the shape and orientation of each piece rather than the color. However, you don't have to solve it on your own. You can use a mirror cube solver app to help you solve the mirror cube with your phone. A mirror cube solver app can scan your cube, generate a solution, and guide you through the steps. It can also help you learn the algorithms and methods for solving the mirror cube, as well as check your progress and correct your mistakes.

If you want to use a mirror cube solver app, you can download one of the best apps available for different platforms, such as Mirror Cube Solver for Android, Mirror Cube 3x3 Solver for iOS, or Mirror Cube Solver Online for web. You can also follow the instructions and features of a mirror cube solver app to use it effectively. However, you should also be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of using a mirror cube solver app, and decide whether you want to use it or not.

Whether you use a mirror cube solver app or not, solving the mirror cube can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. It can improve your cognitive skills, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving abilities. It can also boost your confidence and self-esteem as you overcome the challenge. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your mirror cube and start solving!


Here are some frequently asked questions about the mirror cube and the mirror cube solver app:

  • Q: How many possible combinations are there for the mirror cube?

  • A: There are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible combinations for the mirror cube, which is the same as the regular Rubik's cube.

  • Q: How long does it take to solve the mirror cube?

  • A: It depends on your skill level and method. Some people can solve the mirror cube in less than a minute, while others may take several minutes or hours.

  • Q: How do I know which piece belongs to which face on the mirror cube?

  • A: You can use the size and shape of each piece to determine which face it belongs to. The largest piece on each face is always the center piece, and the smallest piece on each face is always the corner piece. The edge pieces have different sizes depending on their position.

  • Q: Is using a mirror cube solver app cheating?

  • A: It depends on your perspective and purpose. Some people may consider using a mirror cube solver app cheating, as it takes away the challenge and achievement of solving the puzzle by yourself. Others may consider using a mirror cube solver app helpful, as it can teach you how to solve the puzzle and improve your skills.

  • Q: Can I use a regular Rubik's cube solver app to solve the mirror cube?

  • A: No, you cannot use a regular Rubik's cube solver app to solve the mirror cube, as they are different puzzles with different rules. A regular Rubik's cube solver app will not recognize the shape and orientation of each piece on the mirror cube, and will generate an invalid solution.


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