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€? ZergRush [ ] || Android Root [TOP]

Zergrush is a family of exploits that leverage the known CVE-2011-3874 vulnerability to gain root privileges on a mobile device running earlier (2.3.6 and below) versions of the Android operating system. This operation allows users to circumvent limitations that may be imposed on the device by the manufacturer or carrier.

— zergRush [ ] || Android Root

Zergrush exploit code (included as a component in a toolkit or app that serves as a hack-tool) is most commonly used to gain root privileges on their Android device. The legality of this usage depends on the specific legal jurisdiction, and whether it was performed by the device's legitimate owner.

Attention! If you want to root the latest Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread firmware 4_0_2_A_0_62 use this tutorial: E-root. If you want to root Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich firmware 4.1.B.0.431, 4_1_B_0_587 etc. please use this: E-root or this: Vroot (Romaster) tutorial.

If you have supported device and want to root it, please follow next steps:For Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread users: 1. Press menu button, go to Settings => Applications => Development => Enable USB Debugging,2. Press menu button, go to Settings => Applications => Enable Unknown sources,3. Press menu button, go to Settings => Sony Ericsson => Connectivity => USB Connection Mode => Choose MSC modeFor Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich users: 1. Press menu button, go to Settings > Developer options > Enable USB Debugging,2. Press menu button, go to Settings => Security => Enable Unknown sources,3. Press menu button, go to Settings => Xperia => Connectivity => USB Connection Mode => Choose MSC mode

If you want to unroot your phone, just reflash it with any suitable firmware for your phone model or repeat root procedure using this unrooting toolkit: 1.34MB 29 downloads

This will back up all partitions and the hidden NVRAM data. If you ever have to restore from scratch, you can get fastboot to write a new partition table and then fastboot in these backups Need >8GB local free, and adb installed and able to get a shell. Root not required so you can do this on a fresh out-of-the-box KF. Make a new directory to store the dump files and cd into it. Get and copy zergRush into the directory. You must use zergRush even if you're rooted!!! We need adb running as root for this to work. Then run in a terminal

The ZergRush root was fixed in v6.2.1 of the Fire's firmware (strictly speaking, it was fixed in Android 2.3.7, I believe). Use BurritoRoot to get root access instead, then follow the rest of the guide to backup your data like normal.

SuperOneClick is a wonderful tool. With its help, millions of users (no embellishment---take a quick look at the download history) have been able to gain root access on hundreds of devices. In fact, only a few short weeks ago, we wrote about how it was used to crack open the newly released Amazon Kindle Fire.

After reading this, you're probably itching to get started. A simple download from the application thread and a few clicks is all it takes. However, as with any root modification, be sure to read all the instructions before starting!

Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc is a high-tier Android phone that comes loaded with 1 GHz scorpion processor and 8 MP primary camera. The phone has managed to gain a massive fan base since its release. The developer community is also consistent in providing support for this phone and we have seen many hacks, tweaks and mods emerging in the past to enhance user experience. The recent production of these handsets, recently made available, have largely remained a difficult challenge for developers to gain valid permanent root access.

However when it is Android, there is always a way! The team behind Revolutionary, a home-brew bootloader unlocking utility for HTC phones, recently made their ZergRush Root Exploit public. Building on that, some industrious hackers and developers managed to gain permanent root on their Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc phone. The exploit has been nicely packaged in a one-click batch file for convenience of novice users.

Unlike previous rooting methods, the ZergRush exploit is able to gain rooting privileges with or without locked bootloader. DooMLoRD, senior XDA member and recognized developer, is the one who created this Xperia 2011 Easy Rooting Toolkit for Xperia Arc phones based on ZergRush Exploit. Theoretically, the script is universally deployable on all Xepria Android devices but has been practically tested on Xperia Arc with stock 4.0.2.A.0.42 firmware. The script basically roots your device via ZergRush Exploit along with installing BusyBox and SU files.

And there you go! You have your Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc rooted! In case you are facing any issues or want to thank the developer in person, then head to the official XDA thread posted here. All credits for this root goes to creators of Revolutionary along with DoomLord and everyone else who helped.

Sometime in late February (2012), on a visit to to a Barnes & Noble store in Boston, I bought the then freshly released Nook Tablet 8GB entirely on impulse for $199. Being the hax0r that I am, the first thing I did when I got home was to try to root the device. It came as a nasty surprise, therefore, when I discovered that no one had yet succeeded in rooting the device. All I could find was a YouTube video showing that the existing rooting method for its cousin, the Nook Tablet 16GB, did not work. After waiting for a few days, the absolutely pathetic app store and handicaps instituted by B&N finally motivated me to develop a rooting method for the device myself.

There are many generic or device-specific exploits that a hax0r may leverage to achieve privileged execution of arbitrary code. I would again refer you to this excellent presentation on various Android root exploits that have been or may still be used for this purpose.

Hello!We would like to announce the public availability of the root exploit we use in Revolutionary, named zergRush.This local root exploit should be Android-wide, across Froyo (2.2) and Gingerbread (2.3). However, this will not work on Android Honeycomb and up (3.0+).Simultaneously, we're also releasing source code for this root exploit through our github.The binary is available from here: zergRush binary.The exploit source is available here: Revolutionary GitHub.Usage:You will need adb shell to execute this exploit. We need shell permissions.Push the binary onto /data/local/ and execute these commands in a shell:

The correct syntax in file is target=android-19. Make sure that you have it that way. If you want to make sure it works, open up your project in Eclipse, right-click on it and select to open its Properties.

These examples involves major system alterations to the Android build that require rooting, partition resizing and flashing, init.d and kernel modifications, service modifications, apk decompile and recompile events, etc.

A new device being rooted may raise few eyebrows nowadays, but for those of you looking for a nice cheap little tablet, the Nook Tablet has taken the first step to becoming yet another hobbyist's favorite. Given the enormous popularity of the Nook Color before it, this bodes well for the future of the Nook Tablet. However, with the release of the $200 Amazon Kindle Fire, no longer is the $250 Nook Tablet alone in American cheap-tablet market, so this development may well help to convince would-be buyers. Over at XDA-Developers, poster Indirect has tested the proven zergRush method on their own Nook Tablet, as well as created a batch file for Windows users to help automate the process.

Since movie rentals were first enabled on Android devices, rooted users have been left out in the dark, without the ability to utilize the feature on their device. But, when the man steps in, what do Android users do? Find a way to circumvent the system, of course!

It has been quite an exciting (and busy) night for Thrive owners and hackers. The community managed to root the device, enable Superuser Permissions, and flash ClockworkMod Recovery. Thus far only a handful of people have taken the plunge, so issues could still arise, but preliminary results are looking good. In their own words:

In the world of Android, devices have to go through a certain right-of-passage in order to really be embraced by the community. Part of the journey is becoming rooted, and thanks to XDA Forum member Chandon, the LG G-Slate has officially passed this portion of the test.

Device updates that break root are fairly common - in fact, I'd go so far as to say that the majority of updates do so. What's a bit less common, though, is an update that resets your device because you're rooted. The device in question here is the NOOKcolor, and unfortunately it looks like that's exactly what's happening.

Since the time Android made its entry into the Smartphone arena, it ruffled quite a few players; even the big ones. At present time, Google Android grips a tight 51.6% of the US market share (source:, report as of August 2013).

11. Exploit.Lotoor.AfExploit.Lotoor.Af is an exploit design to gain root privileges on Android devices. Once installed, the exploit can gain complete privilege of performing any activity on the compromised device.

If you have the Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) update installed, the ZergRush rooting method will not work. It is possible to root with these instructions: -4g-lte-p930-bell-root-android-4-0-4-update-v20e-109991/

Now ensure that your Nitro HD / Optimus 4G LTE is connected to your computer via the USB cable and that you are in the /android/system/device/lge/p930 directory (you can cd /android/system/device/lge/p930 if necessary). Then run the script:

I have a Sony Xperia play (R800x) that I rooted with zerg rush and no unlocked boot loader. I've only rooted it for apps that need root access. I left my phone charging over night, and the next morning found it stuck in a boot loop. When ever I try to turn on my phone it boots until the Android splash screen, sits there for a few seconds, then resets itself. Has anyone delt with this before?


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